Johnathan said to his young armor bearer, ‘Come, let’s go over the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”

I Samuel 14:6

With their strength girded, the men of POWER said something similar as they left for the day’s mission. Regardless of the job, all of them had the same thought as Johnathan, “Whatever we are doing, perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf in these endeavors. Nothing can hinder Him from saving others.” As expected, all of our endeavors bore fruit for the kingdom.
Two work crews toiled at Mega Mission in downtown Acuna. This church was at one time, nothing more than a vision. However, thanks to local missionaries like Tim Ehlers, who were willing to utter the same phrase as Johnathan, it has grown to reach over 500 people every Sunday, with plans for expansion already underway. Our contribution was to help build a kitchen and pews for the church. We can often forget that the work of the church is done by many hands with many talents. Though we may not be involved in the daily ministering to the people of Acuna, our work made it possible to do so. After all, a church runs well on seats and a full stomach.

Another field of ministering was the Chavez family home. The Chavez family has ministered sacrificially to the people of Acuna for seven years. Having received the beneficence and generosity of missionaries from Senda da Vida, they have dedicated themselves to feeding the stomachs of souls of the poor they encounter. This method has led them to reach over 2000 people, all because of a generous heart gifted by God. To help them in this endeavor, the men of POWER are building them a house, which will no doubt become a ministry center for His glory.

It might even be said that this house has already been blessed thusly. A year prior to this project, the daughter, Sol, found a key on the street one day. It seemed trivial at the time, but a nudge from the Spirit led her to hold onto the key. Upon installation of the front door of the house, and during the dedication, she noticed that the door key matched the one she had found on the street, even to the number stamped on it. Though the key fit into the lock, it would not turn the lock. Nonetheless, this seemingly banal occurrence led to a situation that seems a bit too detailed to be considered coincidental.
Speaking of the seemingly banal, this writer took part in activities that seemed so harmless at the beginning. However, God can turn all endeavors to great things for those who take the same approach as Johnathan. In the morning, I took part in the joy tour, which is when we go into areas of the city and give testimony, share the gospel, and distribute needed items. Tim Ehlers delivered a powerful sermon and many of the men prayed over and delivered their testimonies to the poor, the elderly, and those recovering from addiction. Will these words and donations bear fruit? Perhaps. But, nothing can stop God from saving.

The same could be said about tract organizing. Organizing Bible tracts into boxes is one of the most tedious jobs in the POWER trip. However, like any good ministry, not all logistical operations are glamorous. Yet, all are vital. As we toiled away sorting tracts into boxes, Dave Johnson reminded us of the importance of this job. Ray Morlock, a ministry forefather of POWER, put great weight in distributing the Word of God to the people of Mexico and the world. These tracts are the continuation of his legacy and if just one person will come to Christ because of one of these tracts, then our work will have been more than worth it.

Everything POWER does, however great or small, is done with this intent, “Let’s go here, perhaps the Lord will deliver this endeavor. Nothing can stop Him from saving.” May this be your guidepost in whatever work you do for the Lord.

Pray that we will continue this attitude in the days to come.