Day three started like every day should—with breakfast, morning worship with Cody Gibbs and Mark Weber, followed by a devotion from Pat Schmeling.

Pat’s message, though simple, was one that all true Christians need to be reminded of daily. Every day, we need to sit before our King and listen to what He has to say to us. If we listen, we soon realize that He is always trying to get our attention. From the moment we wake up, everything we do should be about locking into His Kingdom. The Kingdom is always in motion.

What resonated most with me was the simple concept of being a servant of Christ: I was created and placed on this earth to serve the King—whenever, whatever, whomever, and wherever He desires. John 12:26 says, “If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.”

After devotion, the groups broke out again to finish the projects from the day before at the Pan Am Church and the Mega Mission. Tasks included working on a classroom, remodeling the kitchen, and building the fence and pews. Another group participated in a Joy Tour before we all headed back over the border.

Side note: If you are in the red truck with Alabama plates, driven by Tylor Clark, there is a high probability that you will be directed to the secondary border inspection point. Apparently, this is becoming a common occurrence. Fortunately, the inspection went smoothly.

After lunch, we all packed up and began our six-hour journey to Valley Baptist Retreat Center in Mission, Texas.

Quick geographical fact: Texas is very very flat, and it is very very big.

About halfway through our travels, we stopped for dinner in Laredo at Luby’s, where we enjoyed the company of Missionary David Burkett of Faith Missions Ministry and Rick and Dora Hall of Laredo Stepping Stone. After traveling another hour or so, we stopped in Falfurrias, Texas, to get gas and quickly discovered that Tim Morgan has an addiction to Honey Buns. He was observed by several witnesses buying at least 20 of them. As a group, we will be praying for his addiction and quick recovery.

As our day wraps up and we hit the sack at Valley Baptist retreat center, I can confidently say that today has been a good day.