It is the end of our first full work day here in Mexico. It is now 12:50 am and it is pouring rain. But the spirit of the men is high and full of blessings. Today we were in the city of Acuna. We had several groups out in the city building houses, class rooms, church pews and a church. Others went out and toured the city with Pat our local missionary and the rest of the team went out on what Power calls a JOY tour. The JOY tour is where we put JESUS first, OTHERS second, and YOURSELVES last. So we go out into very tough parts of Acuna and give away food, clothes, bibles, candy and love. We just want the people of Acuna to know that we love them and more importantly Jesus loves them. As for myself, today was a construction day for me. In the morning I was on the pew construction job and the afternoon I was able to help on the site where we are building a church for a local pastor. However, the interaction with the people that come by to see what we are doing and some pitch in and help, that is what truly touches my heart. Their genuine gratitude and appreciation is something that just hits home, that makes you want to do more for them, that reaffirms that God has a purpose and a plan for you being on this trip. Jesus said “What you do to the least of these you do unto me.” And Power has embraced this concept in everything that they do. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but with God leading the way and choosing to follow his lead, I know that it will be nothing less than amazing.