After all the preparation, and all the planning that the leaders had to do to make this day happen, today was the first full day of the POWER trip. What an amazing day!!
We had teams of men that started on a church build, another that built pews for mini mission 2, others worked on a house additions, the puppet team went to a local school and put on a performance for some local school children.
We ended the day at the Upper Room with pastors and their families that probably do not get any other opportunity to go out to eat at a restaurant at any other time of the year. Towards the end of this dinner, there is a time when the pastors and there families pray for us and we also in turn pray for them, It is amazing how powerful that is. When the Mexican people pray they all pray at the same time and you can feel the power of there prayers!
I love to see and personally feel the effects that this trip has on all of us. I also love the way 89 guys from all over the U.S get together and experience many really life changing things. We worship together, pray together, go through all sorts of emotions that change our lives forever. We end up being a team turn into great friends forever.
I found that things that we experience here are things that really cannot be described but has to be experienced. The POWER trip is a a life changing opportunity and an amazing way to go out and completely, without any other distractions, be able to be used by God. Also it is a great time for God to get us men together, slow us down, and really work with our hearts to build better a personal relationship with Him and the other Christian men.
We all miss our families when we are here, but what we experience and what God allows us to do, enables us to go back home with a new perspective and be better husbands, fathers, friend, and servants at our churches and communities.
Thank you POWER!!