Magdiel and Matamorros… a big finish to the week two mission trip!

Today we crossed the border from Brownsville to Matamoros on the gulf coast. The tropical weather, warm sun and cool breeze was a perfect backdrop to the day of encouragement and ministry.

We entered Magdiel Bible College that prepares young men and women through an exhaustive 3 year Bible training program to change the world for Christ through prayer, social, worship leading and pastoral ministries. The students have an excitement and seriousness about their studies.

Damon expressed joy and a sense of pride as he talked about seeing Mireya who will graduate in May. He has known her and encouraged her in her schooling the past 3 years of mission trips.

Our group divided and spent a couple hours playing games and getting to know the students personally in their classrooms. Together we shared where we were from (using a giant map), our favorite foods, all about our families and our “suenos” (dreams)! During the time together in the classrooms we read scripture and when we read Romans 10:15 “how beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news”, the students were instructed to take their seats and our men proceeded to present a brand new pair of Sketchers / Converse shoes. They knelt down and fitted them to the “beautiful feet” of each student and laced them up and blessed them. The students were thrilled with the thoughtfulness and recognition that what they are doing (preparing to share the gospel) is the most important job they could ever do! Then the pizzas arrived and the students ran through a cheering Power Ministry gauntlet as they entered the lunch room.

Our afternoon began with worship in both English and Spanish. Then it was time for our annual “schooling” on the soccer field. The Magdiel students ran circles around us and managed to score 9 goals to our 3. Hey, that’s not bad for us! Time seemed to fly by and it was 4PM. Hugs were exchanged, and time for our journey to San Antonio, where I sit writing this summary. Our prayer team just completed a time of praise and prayer and now our pillows await our heads. Thank you for praying for us.