by admin | Jan 11, 2011 | Yearly Trip
It’s January, and from all over the country men have traveled to Del Rio, Texas for the first of two POWER trip weeks, working in neighboring Texas and Mexico communities across some 380 miles of border.There is the contingent from Rome, GA, including Tim Morgan...
by admin | Jan 28, 2010 | Yearly Trip
I first heard about Power Ministry when a friend of mine, Adam Othman, said the Lord had put it on his heart if I would consider coming on a trip to Mexico with him. When I asked him about the trip he told me but he also said “the trip” was really too hard to put into...
by admin | Jan 25, 2010 | Yearly Trip
Sunday night on week two and all I can say is WOW! Someone asked me today if anyone had told me a lie about the trip. Interesting question for a new guy to answer. Honestly, all I was told has come true except it isn’t cold at all. It has been a fast a furious trip....
by admin | Jan 25, 2010 | Yearly Trip
Granted. Here on the POWER trip we are given a word of the day. I have decided on my own word of the day, and today that word is “granted” and for two reasons. First because my life has been taken for granted. I’ve seen the television shows with the homeless orphans...
by admin | Jan 18, 2010 | Yearly Trip
Today we had a great day of worship. We started with a devotion time with just the POWER guys then we sat in on the 2nd worship service. Even though most of us could not understand the message we could feel the love these people have for the Lord. After the two hour...