2023 Week 1, Day 4

Our day began with breakfast, singing and devotions by Clay. Today he spoke again from Hebrews, today from 11:5-6 and taught about our need to be fearless in our pursuit of God as He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Assignments were given and then we are off to...

2023 Week 1, Day 3

Father we praise you because you are sovereign. Nothing escapes your eye and you are working all things together for good for those who love you. So many things you do happen in the unseen world but we also thank you for seeing your visible work in our lives and in...

2023 Week 1, Day 2

Great devotions today by Clay Ramirez on Hebrews 3:1-3. He challenged us to dream big and trust God as we put our confidence in Christ for unseen things. The theme this week is to have fearless faith. Today we will put that into practice as we go out on one of three...

2023 Week 1, Day 1

Travel Day The adventure begins! For some, travel was uneventful and we praise God for that. For others, not so much. Plane troubles, plane delays but we still praise God. in the end 95% of the men arrived on time and by 4:45 we were on our way to Chopsticks, a buffet...

2022 Group 2, Days 5, 6 & 7

Locked and Loaded After a long six hour drive from south to north and some “killer” BBQ along the way, we are at the POWER home base of sorts, Faith Mission International.  Here, we bunk into two large rooms of bunk beds, military style, with our team split between...