by Power Editor | Jan 21, 2020 | Trip 2020
Worshiping together with the other 63 or so men in the dining area at Faith Mission was particularly awesome. There was nothing fancy about our worship team, although they are great! It was just Cody on the Guitar and Doug leading vocally, but every time they were...
by Power Editor | Jan 20, 2020 | Trip 2020
Staying at Faith Mission in Del Rio is an experience in itself. We have two sleeping porches filled with bunk beds for the 60 plus men to share for the night. Normally I would have a hard time sleeping in these accommodations, but with the long days and short nights...
by Power Editor | Jan 19, 2020 | Trip 2020
Today was our day of worship and a bit more rest than a typical day. We did start the day bright and early so we could do devotions and communion at Alianza with our gracious and friendly young interpreters. The name of God that David Burkett shared with us was...
by Power Editor | Jan 18, 2020 | Trip 2020
Today we started our day with breakfast at the hotel in McAllen. I will say one of the great things about this hotel is they serve really good coffee. I believe we left as Marty directed us at 7:00am… PRETTY-sharp for Hidalgo and Border Mission where we had...
by Power Editor | Jan 17, 2020 | Trip 2020
Devotions: As usual, we started the day with a quick breakfast followed by devotions. Worshiped the Father in song with “How Great is our God” and a couple other awesome songs. David Burkett is our Devotions Pastor for the week. The theme is going to be on the...