by Power Editor | Jan 10, 2020 | Trip 2020
Good evening from Faith Mission International! I will get straight to the point and let all of you worry warts out there know that all 62 men are healthy, full bellied, and alive. Now to the good stuff… This morning started with a tasty breakfast, followed by some...
by Power Editor | Jan 9, 2020 | Trip 2020
Hello friends, family, and all other loved ones reading this post! We made it to Faith Mission International in one piece, and are quickly getting into the groove of things to kick off the first week of Power Trip 2020! As we settle in, conversations are flowing, food...
by Power Editor | Apr 2, 2019 | Trip 2019
POWER Journal Week 3 Day 6 This is my last blog of week 3. I have enjoyed journaling this trip. Thank you to the POWER leadership for assigning this task. It has been a pleasure! Up for breakfast at 6:30. Guys are looking a bit less tired but still moving slowly....
by Power Editor | Apr 1, 2019 | Trip 2019
Good morning! Last night we got ourselves in to Faith Mission at about 1:30am. But POWER leadership had a bit of mercy upon us and we were allowed to sleep in an extra 1/2 hour. At the Mission we sleep in bunk beds with about 30 guys to a room. It is a real snore...
by Power Editor | Mar 31, 2019 | Trip 2019
POWER Journal Week 3 day 4 Getaway day! Sunday is our traditional day off from work activities. Heavy rain this morning! I am glad I packed my jacket! Temperature will be twenty degrees less than yesterday. Due to the rain we are canceling Bruce Hepburn’s place and...