by Power Editor | Mar 30, 2019 | Trip 2019
POWER Journey week 3 Day 3 Up early at 6:00, Down for breakast and loading into the Vans at 7:00 sharp. Heading to boarder mission. Awesome worship with a shout out to Alex Perez for spontaneous joy leading a Spanish language worship time. Tim James brought forth his...
by Power Editor | Mar 29, 2019 | Trip 2019
POWER Journal week 3 day 2 Up early, 6:15. Between late night crews including Van Crew, water crew, prayer team, media team, and many other tasks necessary to pull this trip off in true POWER style, most men had less than 6 hours sleep. But it’s a big day ahead, tins...
by Power Editor | Mar 28, 2019 | Trip 2019
POWER Journal Day 1 Everyone has a first day like this. Call it a theme with variations. But here is my day… Up early, 3:30 to make it to San Diego in time for our flight. Feeling tired but excited as well. So looking forward to this trip. Drive down to San...
by Power Editor | Jan 22, 2019 | Trip 2019
It was another full day in Del Rio/Acuna. After rolling out of our dorm beds, we had breakfast, devotion, and took communion. Heading across the border, we split up to finish up the projects at yesterday’s sites. My van went to finish a house for the Silva family. The...
by Power Editor | Jan 21, 2019 | Trip 2019
We all did surprisingly well today, considering we were operating on only 4 hours of sleep. Our food crew cooked up a good breakfast offering of eggs, oatmeal, cereal, donuts, juice, several kinds of fruit & of course coffee. We had our morning devotion at the...