2019 Group 1 Day 6

We spent most of the day in the vans traveling from McAllen, TX to Brownsville, TX then into Matamores, Mexico for a visit to the Magdiel Bible School then back across the border to finish our 8hour drive to San Antonio. The drivers and their navigators riding in...

2019 Group 1 Day 5

Today everyone is aware of the spiritual high we experienced on Sunday. So we are more deliberately encouraging one another and praying that we will win the spiritual warfare with God’s help in the day ahead. This is our last day of work projects and we know that...

2019 Group 1 Day 4

Spoiler alert! Today we experienced an awesome outpouring of God’s love and presence of the Holy Spirit in our midst. The itinerary was a day of worship and play in Reynosa, Mexico. The morning devotion took place in a small ‘colonia ‘ in Nopalera. The devotional...

2019 Group 1 Day 3

We begin after breakfast as we do each day with the group declaring Christ’s word from Acts 1:8 “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, all of Judea and Sumaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The songs...

2019 Group 1 Day 2

The day started early at 7:00 am following a good breakfast with a time of praise through singing. What a wonderful way to start the morning with a crowded room of men’s voices led by acoustic guitars acknowledging God’s holiness and saving grace. Perseverance and its...