2018 Group 2 Day 4

Had a great night of rest in a non-snoring room last night. It’s a little hard to describe, but Stepping Stone at Laredo just has a comfortable, homelike atmosphere. I could definitely stay there again. The day did, however, start out on a somewhat stressful...

2018 Group 2 Day 3

I woke up bright and early this morning feeling a bit stiff and a little short on sleep but still excited to see what was in store. The accomadations here at Faith Mission may not quite be what we are used to, but I sure appreciate the hot, hot shower. Oh, by the way,...

2018 Group 2 Day 2

We started the day early around 6 am to give everyone time to get some breakfast and some good strong coffee. Unless you have a good nose or some one is kind enough to share the top secret information, you have to be pretty persistent when it comes to getting coffee....

2018 Group 2 Day 1

Great to be a part of something much bigger than I’m used to. There were some delays and unexpected scheduling issues with air travel for some people, but as best as I can tell, everyone one made it. I was excited to see some of the brothers I met a couple years...

2018 Group 1 Day 6

POWER TRIP 2018 …. WEEK ONE/DAY 6 It Was A Good Day Serving the Lord …. No Hammers Needed ….Being Available Required! by Terry Hickey Tuesday, January 17th, day six of the Week One Power Trip … our last day to cross the border into Mexico....