Group 2 Day 6

“Praise the Lord.” -Psalm 150 “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.” -Unknown Today was a day of worship and the word. On this sabbath, the men of POWER halt all construction and focus on worshipping with the people of Mexico. We also use this...

Group 2 Day 5

“Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9 Though it may have been the final work day for the men of POWER, it lacked not for intensity. All of the construction projects were completed speedily, the...

Group 2 Day 4

“Tell your children about it, and let your children tell their children, and their children to the next generation.” Joel 1:3 If one word could encapsulate today, it would be generations. If we, as believers, want to see the great commission carried out beyond our...

Group 2 Day 3

“I can do anything through Him that gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13 “I’m not scared at all. I feel kind of invincible.” -Jack Burton, Big Trouble in Little China Still inspired from serving on a successful first work day, the men of POWER started this day with a...

Group 2 Day 2

Johnathan said to his young armor bearer, ‘Come, let’s go over the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” I Samuel 14:6 With their strength girded, the men of...

Group 2 Day 1

“It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect…” Psalm 18:32 Over 40 men, decked out in a motley array of POWER t-shirts and arriving from all corners of the US, assembled in a parking lot in San Antonio. Some are bedraggled from long and early...

Group 1 Day 6

“Built to Last” Our last full workday of Week 1. It’s hard to believe how fast the week has flown by. Worship this morning was solid, as always. Brian led us into a deep conversation he had with God. While looking at the results of our spiritual impact...

Group 1 Day 5

“Opportunities and Gratitude” Starting every morning with worship and devotion is such an incredible way to begin the year. I never quite understand why I can’t make this a habit when I’m back home after POWER, because it really sets the tone for the day...

Group 1 Day 4

“The Bamboo Effect” Worship was good today. Brian led us in reflecting on spiritual growth and doing a spiritual impact study. The results of God’s work in our lives aren’t always immediate, but something is always growing and developing beneath the...

Group 1 Day 3

Worship was as beautiful as it always is. “O Come to the Altar” was in the lineup today—and man, that song always hits me the hardest. It’s such a powerful reminder that Jesus gave everything for us, even in our brokenness. Even when we continue to stumble, He stands...

Group 1 Day 2

Day 2 – “Leaving a Mark” Although the morning came a little too early, it was a great start to the day. We began by giving glory to God through worship, led by Cody Gibbs, filling the room with praise. Brian Park then led our devotion, bringing us deeper...

Group 1Day 1

Group 1, Day 1 Journal – “Kingdom Impact Begins” Hello everyone! Chase Tolbert here, and I’ll be your host for Group 1, 2025. Today marked the beginning of another incredible year with POWER Ministry. Travel day took us from San Antonio to Del Rio for the...

Group 3 Day 7

Last working day today. Unfortunately for some of us, including myself, we couldn’t participate in the projects due to what we think was food poisoning. I attempted to get reports from the guys who did the projects. Starting with breakfast at Faith Mission...

Group 3 Day 6

First day in Del Rio. Breakfast and devotions at the Faith Mission. Pat gave his message from John 16:8, 2 Cor. 7:9-10, and 2 Cor. 4:3-5. He talked about how the Spirit and not us is the one that convicts the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. He...