2018 Group 3 Day 1

Wow, what a day!  64 men converged on San Antonio TX to begin Day 1 of Group 3.  There were men from 9 states and 2 countries represented in this rag-tag army set to work for God, whatever He would lead us to do.  But really, the day began prior to getting into San...

2018 Group 2 Day 7

Debriefing and send-off: I was able to share a room last night with Pastor Francisco from Matamoros MX.  We were able to communicate pretty well despite the language barrier.  We started talking about our families and showing pictures and before we knew it, it...

2018 Group 2 Day 6

Started the day at Border mission. I was astounded to hear that about 100 pastors a week come to Border mission to get food and supplies tor their Mexican congregations. It was so quiet and empty while we were there, it was hard to imagine the amount if food that...

2018 Group 2 Day 5

Today we hurried off to the Allianza church in Reynosa for a mega-church service, Mexico style. The church had a greeting party waiting to greet us with much fanfare and many handshakes and God bless you’s. In Spanish, God bless you is “Dios le...

2018 Group 2 Day 4

Had a great night of rest in a non-snoring room last night. It’s a little hard to describe, but Stepping Stone at Laredo just has a comfortable, homelike atmosphere. I could definitely stay there again. The day did, however, start out on a somewhat stressful...

2018 Group 2 Day 3

I woke up bright and early this morning feeling a bit stiff and a little short on sleep but still excited to see what was in store. The accomadations here at Faith Mission may not quite be what we are used to, but I sure appreciate the hot, hot shower. Oh, by the way,...

2018 Group 2 Day 2

We started the day early around 6 am to give everyone time to get some breakfast and some good strong coffee. Unless you have a good nose or some one is kind enough to share the top secret information, you have to be pretty persistent when it comes to getting coffee....

2018 Group 2 Day 1

Great to be a part of something much bigger than I’m used to. There were some delays and unexpected scheduling issues with air travel for some people, but as best as I can tell, everyone one made it. I was excited to see some of the brothers I met a couple years...

2018 Group 1 Day 6

POWER TRIP 2018 …. WEEK ONE/DAY 6 It Was A Good Day Serving the Lord …. No Hammers Needed ….Being Available Required! by Terry Hickey Tuesday, January 17th, day six of the Week One Power Trip … our last day to cross the border into Mexico....

2018 Group 1 Day 5

Faith Based Ministries … Who/What is the Target of Your Faith? Morning worship and devotions took place at Border Missions, a non-profit, non-denominational ministry located in Hildalgo, Texas just across the border from Reynosa. For the past sixty-one years...

2018 Group 1 Day 4

POWER MINISTRY 2018 ….. WEEK ONE/DAY FOUR Now is the Time To Worship ….. Now is the time for a Festival!! by Terry Hickey Sunday on a Power Trip week is a day for worship and to conduct a community festival, as opposed to day of construction …. but...

2018 Group 1 Day Three

POWER MINISTRY 2018 … WEEK ONE/DAY THREE “Get Out Day … We’re Going On A Road Trip” See You Next Year Acuna …. Work continued in Acuna and at Faith Mission during the first half of the day. After lunch all of our personal gear and...

2018 Group 1 Day 2

POWER MINISTRY 2018 ….. WEEK ONE/DAYTWO “Find out what that ONE thing is, and do it” (Curly’s Secret to a Successful Life – “City Slickers”) Greetings from Acuna, … and the Men of Week One; including not only those from...

2018 Group 1 Day 1

POWER MINISTRY 2018 ….. WEEK ONE / DAY ONE ACTS 1: 8 … But you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. With the above words of Paul, the...