In October I deceided to go on the Power trip. I figured by January my work load would be slow and I would have plenty of time to take off. As January approached my work load increased tremendously; and being in contructions services, I figured I should take the work while it was here and not go on the Power trip. So I call and informed them I was not going on the trip this year. I felt relieved by the decison and it felt like a burden was lifted from my work shoulders. I realtionalized that I would not enjoy the week since my mind would be on the jobs instead of the ministry. I went to Bridges the Sunday before the Power trip was to take place, and spoke with a few of the guys that were going on the trip. They were encouraging me to reconsidere my decision nt to go, expressing that they believed God had done some amazing things with them and others business-wise when they did go. So anyway, the words of these men stayed with me throughout Sunday and Monday. Monday night I had a change of heart and felt compelled to go to Mexico.

Wednesday was a day of travel and Thursday we started building and doing ministry in Acuna, Mexico. We stayed at Faith Missions in Del Rio, Texas. That afternoon I received a call from a gentleman in Florida interested in hiring me for a rock consulting job. He said he would email me pictures of the job, and I expklained to him that I was out of town on a mission trip in Mexico building houses and churches. He said to me, “that would be a dream come true”. Then he asked, “what part of Mexico are you in?” I said, “Acuna”. He said that he was very familiar with that area of Mexico because his in-laws live in Del Rio. I told him that is where we are staying. I told him about Power and their ministry and he was very excited. He wanted to know more about Power and how he could be involved.

This is a great example of how God is control over all areas of my life and can bring people together in places you couldnt imgaine.

I am glad that I came and am looking forward to more miracles!!

Marshall Noriega